What is considered important in a society? Can we agree on one or multiple truths? What ties us together as human beings?
What values and ideals do the people of a community live on and stand for?

CONNECT is a relational art project that aims to reconstitute functions of a local community through the creation of democratic and
welcoming spaces for dialogue. The objective is to tie citizens together and allow them to activate and own an inclusive and socially constructive culture that can facilitate and encourage open connection and interchange of civic values and society.

Inhabitants of various generations and differing social and ethnical backgrounds are drawn into forums that are
spread across multiple public spaces at the same time. The forum discussions develop over the course of three days using sculptural communication towers, manned and facilitated by project assistants, to attract audiences and signify the activation of the spaces. The goal? To inspire city inhabitants to participate, express and connect through a democratic process. Public discussion is sent
from tower to tower via mobile phone conversation and sms, allowing the dialogue to span and combine several locations simultaneously.

Developed created and activated in Kohima Nagaland, the project next comes to life in Lillestrom Norway as part of the exhibition 1814 Revisted.This iteration of the project is produced by Akershus Kunstsenter with support from the Sparebankstiftelsen DNB and Skedsmo municipality.

Kohima, Nagaland: Bringing public forums to life with the communication towers with local youth, artists, collaborators and the general public

Kohima, Nagaland: Statements voiced by participants during the forum, remembered, painted and recorded in public spaces

Lillestrom, Norway: Statements voiced by participants during the forum, remembered, painted and recorded in public spaces

Lillestrom, Norway: Public forums with the communication towers with local youth, artists, collaborators and the general public